Filing a claim

No one is infallible. Therefore, despite the quality realisation of works and the materials used, unwanted errors or faults can also happen in our company.

Within the framework of our Department for Quality, we have the Department for Claims which handles claims for past projects.

For any messages in connection thereto, please send an email to the following address

Instructions for filing a claim

To file a claim, please send us the filled in claim form (entitled POM – REK – Application for claim) to

Please enclose graphic evidence which clearly shows what the application for claim refers to. Only claims sent in a timely manner for faults that have not been caused due to incorrect use or unprofessional maintenance shall be taken into consideration as well as if the fault has been established within the warranty period.

The warranty period for the works carried out and the equipment installed is provided in the contract. The warranty applies to the normal terms and conditions of use along with correct and professional maintenance.

Download .PDF

Claim form
(file entitled POM – REK – Application)

Use Acrobat Reader to complete the interactive form.